Saturday, September 29, 2012

Getting Your "Abs"

Developing the abdominal muscles is one the hardest among all fitness goals. It takes a lot of dedication, patience and hard work to do it. However, once you see your abdominals showing up, it really is worth it.
Arman is a student and stage singer that I have been training for 4 months now. Because of sheer dedication and overwhelming commitment to fitness, he is getting what he wanted... his 8 packs. He started with a waistline of 38 inches and after just one month of training, it went down to 32 inches. After 2 months of training his waistline has gone down to 29. During that time his 8 packs were already showing. Now he is maintaining his 29 waistline while defining his abs.

My circuit program coupled with a supervised diet are the keys to Arman's success. His strict compliance to these two programs has given him the opportunity to get what he wants in just a short period of time.

Here a fraction of his circuit program in the gym. Can you take on the challenge?

1 minute Straight Plank on Medicine Ball X 2

Kettlebell Snatch X 2 sets X 15 reps

Ball Lunge Twist X 2 sets X 15 reps

Ball Chops X 2 sets X 15 reps each side

Battling Rope Alternate Waves X 30 secs X 2

TRX Jack Knife X 2 sets X 15 reps

Want to be trained? Visit: Ico Rodulfo Fitness Trainer

Tags: Circuit Program Philippines, TRX Philippines, Medicine Ball Philippines, Battling Rope Philippines, Kettlebell Philippines

© Copyright. All Rights Reserved by icorodulfo2012

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